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Nonfiction projects

Alex Bonsal
Alex Nikolic
Aline Thalheim
Anna Grether
Craig Jamieson
Dan Heller
Fyona Seguin
Janice Turgut
Jason Mah
Julian Kegereiss
Julie Bodenschatz
Kimon Tsatsaronis
Lian Medweth
Pascal Hunziker
Shairo Ramachandran
Sharleena Bucher
Tim Baumann
Marek Brezina
Marek Brezina
Tim Baumann
Sharleena Bucher
Pascal Hunziker
Lian Medweth
Kimon Tsatsaronis
Julie Bodenschatz
Julian Kegereiss
Jason Mah
Janice Turgut
Fyona Seguin
Dan Heller
Craig Jamieson
Anna Grether
Aline Thalheim
Alex Nikolic
Alex Bonsal
Maus I and Maus II
Fast Food Nation
Modern Romance
Rocket Boys
Guantanamo Diary
Into the Wild
Going solo
The blind side
Into the Wild
Elon Musk
Shairo Ramachandran
Level up your life
Guantanamo Diary
Fast Food Nation
A Jimdo website about how to level up your life
A comparison between the Romance now, and 30 years ago
Proving that E-Sports is better than normal Sports
A man who leaves his behind and goes exploring (adventure)
Her life & history and a letter from Malala dedicated to her imaginary daughter.
Sharing religious messages and information about god
Sharing information about his success in business
Advise about travelling.
Videos about football and American football.
Biography about the author and fake with the author.
A map of travelling routes from the author.
A power point presentation about the book Guantanamo Diary
A WIX website about the book Rocket Boys
A Jimdo website about Modern Romance
An animated Power Point about the bestseller Fast Food Nation
A WIX website about the book Unbroken
A WIX website about the book Unbroken
A WIX website about Maus I and Maus II
The god delusion
I am Malala
Into the Wild
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